The Fascinating Tradition of Auction by Candle

One ancient method of auctioning shines brighter than the rest: the auction by candle. This charming and unique practice links us back to a time when the fall of a tiny flame could spark a burst of exhilaration in a room full of bidders. Let's illuminate the intriguing history of the candle auction.

The Birth of Candle Auctions

Auction by candle harks back to the 16th and 17th centuries in England. It was a time when gas lamps and electricity were yet to make their grand appearance, and the humble candle was the beacon in the darkness.

An inch of candle would be lit, and bidding would commence. Prospective buyers would place their bids on the items up for auction, with the twist that the auction did not end at a specific time, but rather when the candle went out.

The Excitement of Uncertainty

The charm of this method lay in its unpredictability. Bidders had to keep an eye on the flickering candle, all while gauging their competition and deciding when to place their bids. A bid could only win if it was the last one before the candle extinguished itself, adding an element of surprise to the proceedings.

Significance in British Law

The auction by candle also played a pivotal role in defining legal history. It was used as a standard procedure in the Court of Chancery, where trust property was sold off. The Sales of Land by Auction Act 1867 officially made it lawful to pay commission to an auctioneer, marking a significant milestone in the auctioneering profession.

The Modern Revival

Fast forward to modern times, the tradition of auction by candle is making a comeback, especially in the art world. Prestigious auction houses occasionally host candle auctions to evoke a sense of nostalgia and recreate the suspenseful atmosphere of the past.

While we now rely on the digital clock to signal the close of most auctions, the romanticism and thrill of the candle auction continue to enchant us. This historic method, with its dancing flame and unpredictable end, truly encapsulates the unpredictable thrill of the auction world. The glow of the auction by candle might have dimmed over the centuries, but it still flickers in the annals of auction history and the hearts of nostalgic auction lovers.

Through this journey into the past, one realizes that the auction by candle was more than just a sales process; it was a captivating game of strategy, anticipation, and a dash of luck, all played out under the gentle glow of a single candle.